~As wE tRaveL aLoNg tHis LOng, lONg roAd..wE'll LoSe soMe THinGs, and pICk sOmE uP~

sekarang musem konvo

tengah tengok gamba konvo orang laen, tetibe rase sedeyh..

sebabnye, my convo was the last convo anak ayah yang ayah attended ..Al-fatihah untuk ayah..

how fortunate  i was that Allah granted my prayers; that ayah & mak could make it to my convo..

dah setahun konvo..kemajuan? ade la siket..

but i think maybe its time i do what i like..
kite tao if ayah ade lagi, ayah mmg akan support je whatever i like, as long as its good..

ok la ayah, kite akan berusehe untuk do what i like, not just like what i do..

mendengarkan lagu greyson chance : waiting outside the lines really made me think..

btw, kepade sesape yg convo, congratulations!!n good luck in finding the path that'll make u happy ;)

i pray that all of us would find that path, the thing that we're passionate about, sooner or later..ameen =) 0 comments